Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let's Go to War

So my friends kidnapped me for my bachelor party this Friday. But they were pretty nice to me. We went to our rehearsal space in Kvarnholmen and played some songs with the Models Inc. Extended Family School Orchestra of the Damned. This monster below was caught on tape. It sounds a bit like a bunch of mentally challenged people going at it (but then again, it often does):

Video courtesy of Jocke Baseball Field.
Oh, and "slut" means "the end" in Swedish, by the way.

Afterwards we had tapas and beer, and then more beer. I think there must be compromising nude photos of me all over the Internet now, since the night ended with a swim in Årstaviken. Thanks, you guys.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

You are Breeding a Monster

In celebration of how much I hate sunglasses in general and people wearing them in particular I have recorded a song on that very subject. I think they deserve it.


Oh, some of our international (or otherworldly, as i prefer to see it) friends asked if we could make the page a little more accessible to them. Okay, we'll try to post in English from now on.

(Translation of previous posts may or may not come.)

Monday, July 6, 2009


Okej, eftersom det bara är cirka 12 dagar kvar till att jag ska knyta Hymens band kan jag slänga in den här lilla biten "på köpet". Som en bonus till er som inte är bjudna, och till er som är bjudna också förstås.

jssfrk - Church Wedding Song

Å, och Kapten Bligh kom förbi med en låt han hade tutat ihop. Jävla giga och skit. Det kör vi på. Tacka kan vi göra sen.

Kapten Bligh - Stycke i E [...]


Earlier still, before the world yet had turned evil, there was an experimental rock band. They called themselves Pneu, after the silliest French word ever. And they were good, very good. They released a cassette. It is good, very good.

It is called THIS IS THE YEAH!


Ännu något tidigare, innan världen ännu var ond, fanns det ett experimentellt rockband. De hette Pneu, efter det löjligaste ordet i det franska språket. Och de var bra, mycket bra. De släppte en kassett. Den är bra, mycket bra.


The One Happy Camper

Once, at the dawning of time, Jerker gave me a cassette. It had a whole bunch of great songs on it, and I could not comprehend how they could all be so good. So I listened and listened, and at the same time, we both frantically started writing and recording songs - alone, together, and with Niklas and Jorge. Soon afterwards, Models Inc. was a fact. Or possibly a factoid.

Most of the songs from that first cassette are now available in other versions, and some of them were released through more accessible channels as they were, but anyway, here is some of the good stuff from the cassette.


En gång i tidernas begynnelse gav Jerker en kassett till mig. Det var en massa bra låtar på, och jag kunde inte förstå hur de kunde vara så bra. Jag lyssnade och lyssnade, och samtidigt började vi i frenetisk takt skriva och spela in låtar på var sitt håll, tillsammans, och med Niklas och Jorge. Strax därpå var Models Inc. ett faktum, eller möjligen en faktoid.

De flesta av låtarna från den där första kassetten finns numera i andra versioner, och en del andra gavs ut på mer tillgängliga medium precis i det skick de var, men här bjuds i alla fall på några av godbitarna från kassetten:

Army Dad
Avril's Fans
Bret (The Hitman Heart)
Bruised Toes

I Started Pounding
Lilje 4ever (Oh John)